Jade startup event

From Become someone
Revision as of 13:45, 14 April 2021 by Developper (talk | contribs) (→‎Have not met Jade version)
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1 Intro

The following event will play once. The player needs the regional office, and the chances of it activating will work similarly to how the aunt and cousin quest work. Starting from 7 days after the player owns the regional office, there is a chance that the event will occur. Starting at 5%, and increasing by 5% every day until it hits 100% and happens definitely. It is triggered by going to the hiring screen, when clicking to choose to hire a new employee, the player will instead be sent to this event. This event will end with Jade becoming an intern for the company. She will be unpaid, but only offer a singular plus one stat bonus in the category of the player’s choosing. As an intern, she will only be working during the morning period. She will no longer go to class, as her internship will become her class. She will still eat lunch at the school and do her gym workouts at the school as well.

2 Requirements

3 Have not met Jade version

  • Image

3.1 Note

If the player hires Jade, she will count as an employee with a +1 stat in a single category, depending on which team she is assigned to. Marketing is marketing, business is negotiation, coding is productivity. Regardless of which option is chosen, the link will end the scene.

4 Have met Jade version

The following version will play if the player has met jade previously, and has started or finished her quest. If the player has finished there will be an additional sex scene that plays within this version of the event. If the player has not finished the quest, just the main part of the event will play.

4.1 Tell her is chosen

If you choose the option "Tell her you could use some more convincing, a scene will play

4.1.1 Reward

Sex scene

4.1.2 Unlocks

Jade scene 15

4.2 Anything else is chosen

Transition to hiring screen

5 Slave version

5.1 Additional requirement

Jade slave quest completion

5.2 Reward

Sex scene

5.3 Unlocks

Jade scene 16